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Welcome to the 2023-24 academic year! As school staff and students file into classrooms across the country, it’s a time of promise, potential, and, sometimes, problems that need to get sorted out.

On Feb. 8, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer released her fiscal year 2023 budget proposal. This $79 billion plan includes bold investments in higher education, the k-12 system, and early childhood education.

Most schools monitor acceptances and conduct senior exit surveys to better understand students’ post-high school plans, but that knowledge is too infrequently paired with practice that ensures students fulfill those plans.

As the school year comes to a close, seniors will be out of door and moving onto their next step. Each year, an estimated 10-40% of high school seniors with every intention of enrolling in college do not actually matriculate.

Even though it might feel like the end of the school year is far away, for some students, summer melt might already be starting.

Historically Black Colleges and Universities have always held a special place in the Black community. They provide a space where Black people can grow, thrive, and exist unapologetically — not only educationally, but also culturally.

Michigan School Counselor Association, Michigan Association for College Admission Counseling and Michigan College Access Network join together to highlight role of school counselors.

Lots of districts and schools want to improve their college and career readiness efforts. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel!

January is here, and as you’re setting your goals and plans for 2023, we at NCAN think it’s a great time to reaffirm your commitment to college and career readiness.

The Journal of College Access had a busy end of 2022. We welcomed seven new members to our editorial board and we published our second issue, adding three more research articles to the college access literature.