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A Three-Day Dive into Collective Impact

We strongly believe that our existing guides, Charting the Course and it’s companion, the Collective Impact Benchmarks are fantastic resources. However, it can be difficult to find the time and bandwidth to truly reflect and absorb the content and its application in your community. To help your LCAN do this, we designed this retreat-like professional development opportunity to enmesh you in the framework from beginning to end. The Academies serve as a learning lab for folks to get away from the office, gather tools, and share with the only other people that understand what challenges and opportunities you are experiencing - your fellow LCAN Leaders.

The Format

MCAN combines both Traditional and Advanced Maritime Academies as well as ALL NEW CONTENT for previous graduates of the advanced course. That means we’re offering high-quality training on the Collective Impact framework as applied to Local College Access Networks for Coordinators and Leadership Team members of all levels at one event. We’ll have all three groups together at one time, and split into “tracks” for each level (essentially “101, 201, and 301”). We think this will be a fantastic opportunity for LCANs to send multiple Leadership Team members, as the coordinator and other past Maritime graduates can attend alongside first-time cadets while still going to sessions that are relevant to their experience. All meals and several events will be held together as a larger group to facilitate reflection as a group.

  • Maritime Academy (101) – Walking through Charting the Course, fundamentals of how to build and grow a strong, functional LCAN utilizing Collective Impact to create change in your community.
  • Advanced Maritime Academy (201) – A focus on MCAN’s Collective Impact Benchmarks for LCANs, to be used by communities to self-asses their progress in building a strong network. Also includes exercises on applying Continuous Improvement. Open only to past graduates of Traditional Maritime Academy.
  • Officers Training (301) – New content and an added focus on systems change, sharing tools, and targeting common problem areas in LCAN development. Open only to past graduates of Advanced Maritime Academy.



Registration, lodging, and group meals will be sponsored by MCAN for in-state attendees. The only expense Michigan attendees are expected to pay is travel to and from the venue. Our out-of-state attendees have a $300 registration fee and are responsible for paying for lodging.

Example Workshop

Maritime Academy

  • Activating the Network
  • Aligning the Network
  • Analyzing Data, Setting Priorities
  • Asset Mapping
  • Backbone Support: Anchor & Staffing
  • Backbone Support: Leadership Team & Continuous Improvement
  •  Common Agenda
  • Continuous Communication
  • Data Dashboard
  • Gathering Baseline Data
  • Making the Case for Postsecondary Attainment & Collective Impact

Advanced Maritime Academy

  • Backbone Infrastructure - Anchor & Staffing
  • Backbone Infrastructure - Leadership Teams
  • Backbone Infrastructure - Sustainability
  • Common Agenda - Alignment
  • Common Agenda - Shared Vision
  • Continuous Communication - Culture-Building
  • Continuous Communication - Information Sharing
  • Mutually Reinforcing Activities - Collaborative Action
  • Mutually Reinforcing Activities - Coordinating Activities
  • Putting the Benchmarks to Work
  • Shared Measurement Systems - Dashboard
  • Shared Measurement Systems - Indicators
  • Shared Measurement Systems - Priority Area Data

Officers Training 

  • Peer sharing
  • Problem solving

A three-day comprehensive training provided to LCANs by MCAN that strengthens their college access strategy.
