Michigan is ranked 30th in the country for FAFSA submissions, and we are currently down 12,700 submissions from last school year. The low rate of FAFSA participation means students will miss out on important financial aid opportunities, limiting their postsecondary options and putting college out of reach for many graduating seniors.
How can we make up — or even surpass — that difference? Join MCAN's FAFSA 15 Challenge during the national FAFSA Week of Action! If every Michigan high school submits 15 FAFSA applications during the week of April 15-19, then we would more than make up for the current gap in FAFSA submissions.
Join MCAN in this ambitious goal to support your high school seniors, especially students of color, students from low-income backgrounds, and students who would be the first in their family to go to college. For these students especially, skipping the FAFSA this spring likely means a missed college enrollment this fall.
We want to celebrate your success! When your team has supported a minimum of 15 students in submitting the FAFSA, let us know using this quick form, and a special surprise will be delivered to your school. Let’s do this!
To prepare for the FAFSA Week of Action, MCAN encourages schools and community-based organizations to take the following steps:
- Fill out and email a FAFSA Week of Action Commitment Form by Friday, April 12, and make plans to complete at least one of the activities described on the form. This shows the U.S. Department of Education that we are dedicated to the campaign. The form must be emailed to Jessica.I.Cardichon@who.eop.gov.
- Gather a group of adults to assist students and families with FAFSA submissions, including times that parents can join virtually or in-person.
- Raise awareness by using social media, text alerts, morning announcements, or other outlets to share updates and resources. This FAFSA Toolkit contains helpful links and social media assets.
Update (April 18, 2024): MI Student Aid has launched Reach for the Pie to encourage FAFSA completion. High school seniors who submit the FAFSA by June 30, 2024, are eligible to win a "free pizza for a year" gift card worth $750.
We've got your back! MCAN has a list of regional Certified FAFSA Specialists who can support your FAFSA efforts. You can also contact Jeneen Hatoum, MCAN director of high school innovation, with questions, to brainstorm, or for moral support.
With your help, we can connect Michigan students with financial aid and keep them on track for postsecondary education. We're all in this together!
Join MCAN's FAFSA 15 Challenge during the national FAFSA Week of Action! If every Michigan high school submits 15 FAFSA applications during the week of April 15-19, then we would more than make up for the current gap in FAFSA submissions.