LANSING, Mich. — Michigan College Access Network (MCAN) launched its public-facing Impact Map, a new online college access and success data visualization tool. The map draws from five primary sources to offer insight about important college-going metrics and outcomes in the state of Michigan. It is available at impact.micollegeaccess.org.
This resource is free for educators, administrators, legislators, college access professionals, media, parents, and the public. It displays student and community outcome data connected to increasing attainment by intermediate school district (ISD), county, region, legislative district and the state as a whole. With the ability to navigate between geographic areas, the Impact Map enables users to compare schools, ISDs or regions with others across Michigan along key metrics. Users can also find details about specific community programs such as Promise Zones, Michigan’s Local College Access Networks (LCANs), and information related to the engagement strategies of colleges and high schools to increase postsecondary attainment in Michigan.
Key metrics included in the Impact Map include:
▪ College-going culture
▪ Academic readiness
▪ College affordability
▪ College enrollment
▪ College persistence
▪ College completion
▪ Postsecondary educational attainment
“The Impact Map is a robust but easy-to-use data dashboard offering us incredible insight on the pursuit of postsecondary attainment in Michigan,” said Ryan Fewins-Bliss, executive director of MCAN. “The information is can be disaggregated by race to make clear our equity gaps and mobilize us collectively to act. By sharing these metrics widely, MCAN is empowering everyone to use this data to inform decisions that increase college access and completion in Michigan.”
MCAN partnered with Michigan’s Center for Educational Performance and Information (CEPI) to launch the Impact Map. Data from CEPI feeds into the map. “The Impact Map is a perfect example of what can be accomplished with a great partnership,” said CEPI Executive Director Tom Howell. “This MCAN tool and the innovative use of state education data supports the state’s goal for having 60% of Michigan residents possess a degree or certificate by 2030.”
Data available by legislative districts: Legislative Briefs
All 148 Michigan state senators and state representatives now have easy access to data for their respective legislative districts through the Impact Map. The data includes district-level metrics as compared to the state, along with information about specific college access activity in legislators’ districts.
MCAN commissioned Data Insight Partners to build this tool. The firm also built the Michigan FAFSA Tracker used for MCAN’s College Cash Campaign and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s “Governor’s FAFSA Challenge.”
MCAN launched its brand new Impact Map, which is a new, public-facing, online college access and success data visualization tool.