LANSING, Mich. — Michigan College Access Network (MCAN) has received a $100,000 grant from the Leinweber Foundation. The grant, which is dedicated to general operating support, will be used primarily to support MCAN’s recently launched College Completion Corps program. This is the first grant that MCAN has received from the Leinweber Foundation, and the foundation is the first philanthropic partner for this innovative program.
“While getting into college is a significant hurdle for many students in Michigan, the next big challenge is successfully completing a degree or certificate,” said Ryan Fewins-Bliss, executive director of MCAN.
“We’re thankful for the support of the Leinweber Foundation, which will help us fund Completion Coaches on college campuses across the state. Improving persistence and completion rates in Michigan is a key part of meeting the state’s goal of 60% college attainment by 2030.”
MCAN’s College Completion Corps initiative places 23 AmeriCorps members on college campuses across Michigan. The goal of the program is to increase persistence and completion rates among first-generation college-going students, low-income students, and students of color. Members will serve as coaches to a defined cohort of 100-150 students over the course of a year, guiding students through the development of a college completion plan and assisting with the navigation of campus supports.
“The Leinweber Foundation is thrilled to be supporting MCAN’s great work helping students earn college degrees and boosting the talent pool in the state of Michigan in the process,” said Jessica Leinweber, executive director of the Leinweber Foundation. “We are particularly excited about MCAN’s College Completion Corps. Arriving on campus is an exciting time, but it is also easy to feel like a fish out of water. Having Completion Coaches on campus working directly with students to help them navigate the waters will be incredibly helpful.”
The Leinweber Foundation is a Detroit-based family foundation dedicated to advancing its local community and broader society by investing in three key mission areas: scientific and medical research, education, and community enrichment. The foundation seeks to support innovative and impactful research, expand access to higher education for students from underserved and rural areas, and support the health and vitality of the state of Michigan, the Detroit community, and beyond, with a specific emphasis on programs that empower individuals and foster self-reliance. It is guided by the values of its founder, Larry D. Leinweber, and strives to support initiatives that reflect his core principles of hard work, persistence, personal responsibility and compassion.
As the leader in the state’s college access movement, MCAN works to improve the futures of Michigan’s students and communities by making college accessible to all. MCAN’s work centers on one main goal: to increase Michigan’s postsecondary educational attainment rate to 60% by 2030. MCAN engages partners statewide who are committed to systems-level change and the reduction of barriers to increase college readiness, participation, and completion rates, particularly among low-income students, first-generation college-going students, and students of color. MCAN has helped Michigan’s postsecondary attainment rate increase for the 10th consecutive year. For more information, visit micollegeaccess.org.
Michigan College Access Network (MCAN) has received a $100,000 grant from the Leinweber Foundation. The grant, which is dedicated to general operating support, will be used primarily to support MCAN’s recently launched College Completion Corps program.