National School Counseling Week 2024 (#NSCW24) is Feb. 5-9. This event is a way to focus public attention on the unique and vital contribution of school counselors within U.S. school systems. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has officially proclaimed this week as School Counseling Week in Michigan. In response, the Michigan School Counselor Association, Michigan College Access Network, and the Michigan Association for College Admission Counseling want to celebrate our incredible school counselors! We want to highlight the tremendous impact that school counselors, specifically in Michigan, can have in helping students achieve school success and plan for their futures.
Michigan’s theme for School Counseling Week 2024 is “Lead, Empower, Advocate.”
In Michigan, we have some things planned for you:
- Take part in the Meet Up virtual sessions (Monday and/or Thursday)
- Participate in the 2024 Photo and/or Video Challenge using prompts below
- Win prizes!
Monday, Feb. 5: Grade-Level Virtual Meet-Ups
- Does not need to be members of associations - open to everyone!
- Every person who attends gets their name put into a drawing
Click the links below to join the meeting for your grade level.
8-8:30 a.m. — High School Counselors
11-11:30 a.m. — Middle School Counselors
4-4:30 p.m. — Elementary School Counselors
Tuesday, Feb. 6: LEAD
Video/photo/post: “As a school counselor, I show leadership by …. “
Wednesday, Feb. 7: EMPOWER
Video/photo/post: “As a school counselor, I empower my students to …”
Thursday, Feb. 8: Social Meet-Ups
(Thirsty Thursday mocktail fun)
- Focus of social meet-up is how to focus on yourself and practice self-care
- Bring a strategy, idea, or resource to share
- Every person who attends gets their name in the drawing
Zoom meeting is at 3 p.m. Click here to join.
Friday, Feb. 9: ADVOCATE
Video/photo/post: “I advocate for the school counseling profession by …” or “I advocate for my students by…”
National School Counseling Week 2024 (#NSCW24) is Feb. 5-9. This event is a way to focus public attention on the unique and vital contribution of school counselors within U.S. school systems. In response, the Michigan School Counselor Association, Michigan College Access Network, and the Michigan Association for College Admission Counseling want to celebrate you!