LANSING, Mich. — Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has declared Feb. 7–11 School Counseling Week in Michigan. This recognition runs parallel to the American School Counselor Association’s National School Counseling Week and highlights the pivotal role that school counselors play in students’ lives. In Michigan, this year’s School Counseling Week is supported by a collaboration between Michigan College Access Network, Michigan Association for College Admission Counseling and Michigan School Counselor Association.
“As students navigate college applications, financial aid and their full range of options beyond high school, guidance from school counselors has a critical impact on their success,” said Ryan Fewins-Bliss, executive director of MCAN. “Counselors play an essential role in ensuring that all Michigan students — especially low-income students, first-generation college-going students and students of color — have the opportunity to create and pursue their postsecondary plans. School Counseling Week is a way to recognize the contributions of school counselors and the countless ways they are helping to achieve the state’s Sixty by 30 goal.”
Professional school counselors are certified, experienced educators with a master's degree in guidance and counseling. During School Counseling Week and throughout the year, MCAN, MACAC and MSCA applaud school counselors for being actively engaged in helping students examine their abilities and talents so that they can realize their potential.
“Celebrating National School Counseling Week is important to us, because counselors are truly game changers in the lives of our students and the future of our state,” said Amanda Blanchette, president of MACAC. “Being able to effectively counsel a student to and through the college search process can be a luxury with more immediate scheduling, mental health and disciplinary needs in mind, and competing priorities have been amplified by the pandemic. Our counselors demonstrate the importance of a caring adult in our buildings and what difference it makes when a student feels seen and heard. This is vital to Michigan's attainment goal and I am thrilled to be elevating the importance of school counselors and hope they feel our deep gratitude.”
The 2022 theme for this week of recognition is School Counseling: Better Together. In coordination with school counseling professionals across the state, MCAN, MACAC and MSCA are inviting perspectives from school counselors through daily social media prompts and the hashtags of #NSCW22 and #Sixtyby30. (View the social media prompts here.) Participating school counselors are eligible to win one of three free conference registrations — one from each of the three organizations.
"National School Counseling Week provides the opportunity for school counselors to share the amazing impact they have on the lives of their students,” said Terri Tchorzynski, president of MSCA. “This week serves not only as recognition of the selfless work of school counselors, but it also uplifts the profession through advocacy by highlighting how students are different as a result of school counseling programs that are aligned to appropriate roles and responsibilities. MSCA thanks school counselors for the incredible work they do for students every single day and the difference they are making in their lives.”
For more information on National School Counseling Week, visit the American School Counselor Association’s website.
MCAN joins with Michigan Association for College Admission Counseling and Michigan School Counselor Association to highlight role of school counselors