LANSING, Mich. — In support of American College Application Campaign’s (ACAC) #WhyApply Day on Sept. 17, Michigan College Access Network (MCAN) is amplifying its message to high school educators and families to help increase college application submissions in Michigan. The campaign aligns with Michigan’s attainment goal of Sixty by 30 — reaching a postsecondary attainment rate of 60% by 2030 — and is a natural precursor to MCAN’s College Bound Michigan initiative, which kicks off in October with Michigan College Month.
Sponsored by ACAC, #WhyApply Day is an annual initiative that encourages students to apply for college through application completion events hosted at thousands of high schools across the country. #WhyApply Day kicks off the college application season and celebrates the potential of graduating high school students, especially first-generation college-going students, low-income students and students of color who may not otherwise have the support they need to apply to college. This year, it is anticipated that over 7,000 high schools across the country — including nearly 300 Michigan schools — will host application completion events between September and December.
“We know that postsecondary education is still the best path to economic security and a healthy Michigan economy, and that starts with students understanding their options and applying to college,” said Ryan Fewins-Bliss, MCAN executive director. “We’re proud to partner with organizations like ACAC that are pushing for educational equity and helping underserved students reach their full potential. By equipping school counselors, educators, administrators and parents with accurate data and quality resources, we’re helping to build a brighter future for our state.”
Those who support high school students across the state are encouraged to participate in #WhyApply Day. On Sept. 17, school staff and family members can show their support by wearing university gear and sharing why they believe students should apply to college on social media with the #WhyApply hashtag. To learn more about #WhyApply Day, visit https://equityinlearning.act.org/acac/resources/why-apply/.
Michigan College Month, the first initiative in MCAN’s three-part College Bound Michigan program, seeks to keep the enthusiasm for college applications going through the month of October. The theme of this year’s program is “Game Changer,” and school counselors, teachers, and administrators at participating schools are encouraged to share how college has been a game changer in their own lives and how it can change the long-term trajectory of their students’ economic opportunities. To learn more about College Bound Michigan and Michigan College Month, visit https://micollegeaccess.org/initiatives/cbmi.
National campaign encourages students to apply for college by supporting local application completion events