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Jamie Jacobs
Michigan State University
Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering
Michigan State University
Master of Arts, Student Affairs Administration
Jamie Jacobs
Jamie Jacobs
Deputy Director

As Deputy Director, Jamie provides strategic support for MCAN, interfacing with all departments and programs, and is a key partner to the executive director in the leadership and management of the organization.

Jamie has worked in the education and nonprofit field for nearly 15 years. After pursuing a career in electrical engineering, she made a career change to education, which started at Michigan State University. There, Jamie worked in a variety of capacities including serving as a residence hall assistant director, student group adviser, academic adviser, competency-based curriculum development coordinator, and teaching assistant. During her time at MSU, Jamie helped to develop and launch MSU's First-Year and Second-Year Experience programs, which catalyzed and set the foundation for the neighborhood-based student support model in place today. She began her nonprofit career in 2011 at MCAN. During her first year, Jamie led the launch of the Michigan State University College Advising Corps, which years later inspired the launch of MCAN's AdviseMI program. Over the years, Jamie has served in many capacities for the organization including intern, program director, director of professional development, senior director of high school innovation, and now as deputy director since November 2019.

Jamie earned a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering from Michigan State University and also attended the university for graduate school, earning a Master of Arts in student affairs administration from the College of Education. Jamie credits her mother for harnessing and nurturing the strengths of a talkative and opinionated child into a bold and tenacious leader, and her father for teaching her to enjoy life and find her passions. Jamie's high school physics teacher encouraged her to pursue a degree in engineering and challenge the status quo of the profession. It wasn't until Jamie began her college journey that she began to understand her privilege and responsibility to blaze trails and provide support for others in defining their own path. This passion fueled Jamie's campus involvement during her time as an undergraduate and was the lead catalyst in her career change into education.

Jamie is active in the community and has served on the Oak Park YMCA board of directors in addition to serving as a mentor for Big Brothers Big Sisters. Jamie spends her time deconstructing and reconstructing her 125-year-old farmhouse, never missing an MSU basketball game, gardening, and finding spare time to train for her next triathlon. She lives outside of Grand Ledge with her husband, three children, and a forever-a-puppy weimaraner.

Michigan State University
Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering
Michigan State University
Master of Arts, Student Affairs Administration