As the Director of Adult Student Attainment Strategy, Patrick examines access, entry, and persistence points for adult learners across sectors. He also reviews policies, practices, programming, and professional learning that is needed to help them succeed. His work supports MCAN’s efforts to achieve Sixty by 30 by reducing barriers to degree attainment for adults with some college and no degree, or adults who have never experienced postsecondary education.
Patrick has dedicated the last decade of his career to the field of education, specifically adult learning. He started his career working in Detroit and Lansing teaching English at the high school level and helping adult learners pursue their high school equivalencies and learn English as a second language. Patrick transitioned to the role of executive director of the Michigan Adult, Community and Alternative Education Association, where he led the organization's day-to-day operations, strategic initiatives, board engagement, statewide and national partnership development, and programming.
Patrick attended Grand Valley State University (Go Lakers!) and earned a bachelor’s degree in secondary education English. During his time at GVSU, he was actively engaged in the campus community as a resident assistant and admissions guide.
Outside of work, Patrick enjoys spending time with his family and friends, reading history, and supporting nonprofit causes.