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This press release announces MCAN's new Executive Director, Ryan Fewins-Bliss.

Over the course of 10 days, MCAN awarded 10 grants of $10,000 each in honor of its 10th birthday.

Six new COVID-19 Response Grants were awarded MCAN in a ninth found of funding.

The advanced training program prepares advisers to help students in 71 Michigan high schools navigate the college-going process.

Seven new COVID-19 Response Grants were awarded MCAN in an eighth found of funding.

MCAN launched its brand new Impact Map, which is a new, public-facing, online college access and success data visualization tool.

Nine new COVID-19 response grants were awarded by MCAN during a seventh round of funding.

Five new COVID-19 response grants were awarded by MCAN during a sixth round of funding.

MCAN recently received a $1.35 million grant to sustain current and emerging initiatives that increase postsecondary attainment rates in Michigan, specifically in metro Detroit

Fourteen additional COVID-19 response grants were awarded by MCAN during this fifth round of funding.