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When students spend time in class learning about postsecondary options and applications, they’re able to make more informed choices about their futures. Not only does this lead to increased college enrollment, it also improves postsecondary persistence and results in higher earnings, especially for students from low-income backgrounds who often lack access to this information, both in and out of school.

During AmeriCorps Week 2024, MCAN wants to thank, highlight, and celebrate our AmeriCorps members who make a difference in Michigan through service every day. In addition to our AdviseMI and College Completion Corps, MCAN is proud to host an AmeriCorps VISTA placement through the Michigan Community Service Commission. Our currently serving VISTA, Genesia Thompson, reflects on her service term and what impact she has made through AmeriCorps.

As AmeriCorps Celebrates 30 years of impact during AmeriCorps Week 2024, MCAN is reflecting on what service has meant to the Sixty by 30 movement in Michigan.

For all the excitement they bring, financial aid offers have a reputation for being a bit confusing. But with the right information, analyzing and comparing financial aid offers from colleges and universities is a process students and families can feasibly tackle.

During AmeriCorps Week, Michigan's AmeriCorps members are invited to share their experiences on social media.

Ryan Fewins-Bliss' testimony in favor of Senate Bills 350 and 555, as delivered to the Michigan House Appropriations Committee on Feb. 21, 2024.

As the institutions directly serving the largest population of young people nationwide, public high schools are the most logical location to position the next generation for successful adulthoods. Yet, in important ways, high schools were not designed to prepare young people for the transition to postsecondary education and a successful career.

National School Counseling Week 2024 (#NSCW24) is Feb. 5-9. This event is a way to focus public attention on the unique and vital contribution of school counselors within U.S. school systems. In response, the Michigan School Counselor Association, Michigan College Access Network, and the Michigan Association for College Admission Counseling want to celebrate you!

The Office of Federal Student Aid released updated FAFSA guidance on which students should indicate they receive free or reduced-price school lunch. While all Michigan public school students are currently eligible for free lunch through state-level funding, students are now advised to check the box for receiving free or reduced-price school lunch ONLY if their annual household income falls below $60,000 to comply with the U.S. Department of Agriculture income eligibility guidelines.

At the beginning of this new year, “FAFSA” is the phrase on the tip of everyone’s tongue, and for good reason. We always knew the Better FAFSA, which promises both an expansion of the federal Pell Grant and a more streamlined, quicker process, was coming this year, we just didn’t know about the associated headaches, including a three-month delay and the need for every school counselor, financial aid administrator, and college access professional to be re-trained in a relatively short period of time.